Micro Mages: A new game for the NES

I really like retro games, specially those for NES and SNES (though I never had one of them). Now there is a new game for NES :)
It seems they are done with programming and it looks good in the video. Check it out and support them if you like it: Micro Mages: A new game for the NES
Written on: Thursday, 20 September 2018
The Sketchbook of Loish: Art in Progress

Crowdfunding is great! Some unknown great projects may not ever get enough funding without it. That's why I spend some time browsing Kickstarter once a while and back projects which I find interesting.
The last one is "The Sketchbook of Loish: Art in Progress". Check it out, you may like it as well, and if you do, please support it :)
Written on: Wednesday, 13 September 2017
Burj Khalifa
Written on: Friday, 14 May 2017
Dubai again!
Written on: Friday, 12 May 2017
First post!
Hello world :)Here would be place to share my photos, musics and thoughts with you.
And I wouldn't write too technical here, I will create another section for it in the website.
Written on: Tuesday, 9 May 2017
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